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Emote Band

Understand your audience with deeper research before, during, and after your product development


Designing a band focused on children’s mental health from scratch, based on the concept alone.

Key Deliverables

  • Product design
  • Visual interpretation of the concept.


The product design of a conceptual band along with its visual wireframes

Emote Band

Understand your audience with deeper research before, during, and after your product development


Designing a band focused on children’s mental health from scratch, based on the concept alone.

Key Deliverables

  • Product design
  • Visual interpretation of the concept.


The product design of a conceptual band along with its visual wireframes

About Emote

An emotion analysis app conceptualised for children, the idea of the product is to give parents a powerful tool with an accessible interface, which can be a means for them to gain some mental peace.
My design was aimed at making the user experience wider, instead of simply relying on the hardware or functionality of the product alone.

Target Audience

Middle-aged children between 6 to 11 years of age.

Product Specs

PPG signals are reliable emotion recognisers, thus, the sensors make recognising emotions easier by combining the physiological data with neutral data.

Product Specs

PPG signals are reliable emotion recognisers, thus, the sensors make recognising emotions easier by combining the physiological data with neutral data.

The strategies used to achieve the brand’s vision

I interviewed my target audience to understand how this product could help them.

My research concluded that children usually spend their time at school. The chart below shows the average time they spend on each activity each day, which became the basis of my design.

Key elements of the overall brand experience

The visual representation of a fictional concept, complete with wireframes as well as the screens.
A purple-coloured app scheme that not only resonates with children’s psyche but also signifies creativity and brain stimulation.